Imam Ghazali Books in Urdu pdf
Imam Ghazali (died 873 C.E.) was a Sufi, jurist, logician, and Islamic scholar who wrote extensively on the philosophy of Islam, particularly its mystical and theological aspects. He is considered the greatest Muslim philosopher of all time.

The Imams of Islam are some of the most famous scholars of the world, they have given peace to the world and helped in the spreading of Islam. They are known for their knowledge, wisdom and humanity.

Imam e Ghazali Was born on..

Here is the list of Imam Ghazali Books in Urdu pdf download to read online or offline.
- Kimiya-e-Sa’adat
- Tahafut al-Falasifa
- Mukashifat-ul-QuloobÂ
- Mujarribat Imam Ghazali
- Bidayat al-Hidayat
- Ihya ulumuddin
- Minhaj ul Abidin
Pls check your first line is not …..right Imam ghazli died in CE 1111.
Born: 1058, Tous, Iran
Died: 19 December 1111, Tous, Iran