“Hassan Nisar, a respected figure in Pakistani media known for his incisive perspective, holds a significant place as an anchorperson and writer. His book, “Kalay Qol” (translated as “Offensive Words”), stands out for its bold critique of Pakistani society, institutions, and...
“Arz e Faqeer” is a famous series of books written by Syed Sarfraz A. Shah, a famous Sufi reformer. These books have been created by converting the series of video lectures of Syed Sarfaraz A. Shah into books that help guide...
Baba Yahya Khan: A Pakistani Sufi Mystic, Author Baba Yahya Khan, a renowned Pakistani Sufi mystic, writer, and traveler, was born in Sialkot, Pakistan, in 1936. With a profound understanding of Sufism, spirituality, and the beauty of exploration, he has authored...
Ali Abbas Jalalpuri: A Pioneer of Urdu Literature Ali Abbas Jalalpuri was a Pakistani Urdu writer, poet, and philosopher. He was born in Jalalpur Sharif, District Jehlum, Punjab, British India, on October 19, 1914. He received his education from the Government...
“The Psychology of Money” by Morgan Housel is an insightful and thought-provoking book about the relationship between money and human behavior. The author uses real-life examples and anecdotes to explain how our emotions and biases influence our financial decisions and why...
Saleem Ahmed is a well-known Urdu poet and writer from Pakistan. He has published several collections of poetry and has been widely recognized for his contributions to Urdu literature. Saleem Ahmed’s poetry is known for its simplicity and directness, which makes...
Novel Dasht E Wafa is a romantic Urdu novel written by Umme Abbas. It is a popular novel that has been read by many readers. The story revolves around the love, emotions, and struggles of the characters. It is an amazing...
Gul Meena is an Urdu romantic novel written by Zaif Syed. It is a classic love story that has captivated readers for years. Set in the backdrop of a village in Pakistan, it follows the life of a young woman named...
Maulana Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi was a great Islamic scholar. He was born in India in 1874 and died in 1953. He was a very learned man and wrote many books on Islam. He was also a very good speaker and...
Maa Ji is a novel written by Qudrat Ullah Shahab about his mother. The novel portrays a very beautiful and heart-touching portrayal of a mother’s love for her children. The novel speaks about the tribulations and sacrifices that a mother has...