“Arz e Faqeer” is a famous series of books written by Syed Sarfraz A. Shah, a famous Sufi reformer. These books have been created by converting the series of video lectures of Syed Sarfaraz A. Shah into books that help guide...
Faqeer Rang written by Syed Sarfraz Ali Shah, it’s is a recorded lecturers of shah sahib in different areas, compiled in books format, one of the beautiful book, many edition published, a real Sufi book, any one who interested in Sufism...
Loh e Faqeer is the second book of Syed Sarfraz Shah, one of the best and inspirational books, recorded lecturers of shah sahib compiled in books, the book is published many editions for the best selling and review, pdf book zone...
kahay faqeer is the most beautiful book of Syed Sarfraz shah sahib, it’s was the recorded lecturers of shah sahib later it was compiled in a book format.it’s a genuine Sufi book, it was the questions of a different topic and...
Syed Sarfraz Shah is a modern sufi, intellectual and great human. He delivered lectures on different topics in Q&A sessions, and his lectures were later compiled into books. His books are now one of the best selling books and also he’s...