Novel Dasht E Wafa is a romantic Urdu novel written by Umme Abbas. It is a popular novel that has been read by many readers. The story revolves around the love, emotions, and struggles of the characters. It is an amazing...
Gul Meena is an Urdu romantic novel written by Zaif Syed. It is a classic love story that has captivated readers for years. Set in the backdrop of a village in Pakistan, it follows the life of a young woman named...
Maa Ji is a novel written by Qudrat Ullah Shahab about his mother. The novel portrays a very beautiful and heart-touching portrayal of a mother’s love for her children. The novel speaks about the tribulations and sacrifices that a mother has...
Mohabbat Dil Pe Dastak Novel is written by Iffat Sehar Tahir. This is a story that is social, and romantic and is published in small pieces throughout the episode. It received high ratings and readership across the Urdu reading community. After...
Khuda Ki Basti is considered as a best novel in urdu. It is written by Shaukat Siddiqui, the writer of the novel. Khuda Ki Basti is a novel about the dark side of Pakistan and its people. The novel talks about...
Farwa Khalid is an Urdu novelist who writes romantic novels. All Novels are listed here and you can download them in pdf or read them online. She started sharing Novels on Facebook, so people followed them and waited for the next...
Mehwish Ali is one of the leading Urdu novel writers in Pakistan. This is the best choice for you if you like reading novels. there is a different style of writing for every author, but Mehwish Ali has a flow of...
Ali Akbar Natiq (born: 1976) is a Pakistani novelist, fiction writer and poet. His reason for fame is his Novel Naulakhi Kothi (نولکھی کوٹھی). So far many books of his poetry and fiction have been published. Ali Akbar Natiq Family migrated...
Ishq Ka Ain is a popular romantic novel by the famous Urdu novelist, Aleem-Ul-Haq Haq. This novel is about the love of two people who were born to be together and their fight against all odds to come together. The story...
This is a romantic novel written by Naila Tariq to get that special feeling of love in Urdu romantic novel. This novel is about the love and romance between a couple of men and its beautiful story. Urdu romance novel is...