Khud Say Khuda Tak
Khud Say Khuda Tak by Muhammad Nasir Iftekhar is one of the best Sufi books, he discussed how to reach Allah, and how to purify the soul. pdfboozone providing you in pdf format.
The book Khud Say Khuda Tak written by Muhammad Nasir Iftekhar offers an interesting insight into the various aspects of spiritual growth and development. It covers topics such as the importance of prayer, understanding our relationship with God, developing faith in God, and how to use our talents and abilities to better ourselves and serve others. The book also gives readers practical advice on how to improve their lives by taking responsibility for their actions, changing their mindset, and developing a positive attitude. In addition, it provides readers with a detailed analysis of different religions, philosophical systems, and spiritual paths that can be used to grow spiritually. Through its engaging narrative style, Khud Say Khuda Tak encourages us to think deeply about our beliefs and values while providing us with valuable lessons on how we can become more connected with the divine power of God.
it’s a very interesting and beautiful book, and i will recommend you to read it, it will change your life.
He discussed the below topics
- Ego, Self
- Knowledge and Intellect
- Difference between Thought and Thinking
- Alliance of Body & Mind
- Vicious Loop of Repetition
- Heart, Emotion and Energy
- The character of the Self
- Instincts of the self
- The Secret of Pain
- Inertia
- Enormous Feeling of Insecurity
- Sense of Analysis
- The Incomplete Desire
- Loneliness, Sadness and Void
- Attachments
- Fear
ego, self, knowledge and intellect, Difference between thought and Thinking

khud se khuda tak quotes
here is a famous quote from khud se khuda tak book.

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